ಸೋಮವಾರ, ಮಾರ್ಚ್ 22, 2010

The Four F's Syndrome by Robin Sharma, taken from DNA newspaper

The Four F's Syndrome, taken from the DNA newspaper, written by Robin Sharma
1) Fear : People fear leaving their safe harbour of the known and venturing off into the unknown.
The key here is to manage your fear by doing the very thing that frightens you. Do it until you
are no longer scared.
2) Failure : No one wants to fail. So most of us don't even try. Sad. We don't even take the first
step to improve our health or our working relationships or realise a dream. In my mind, the
only failure in life is the failure to try. Take that small step and do it fast. Failure is just an
essential part of realising success. Forgetting : Sure, we leave the seminar room after an
inspirational workshop ready to change the world. But then we get to the office the next day
and reality sets in. Difficult teammates to deal with. Demanding bosses to appease. No time to
act on the commitments we made for personal and professional leadership. So we forget them.
Keep your commitments top of mind. Heighten your awareness around them. Post them on
your bathroom mirror and read them every morning. Talk about them a lot. Seems silly,
works beautifully.
3) Faith : Too many people have no faith. Cynical people were not always like that. They were
filled with hope as kids. But they tried and perhaps failed. And rather than staying in the
game, recognising that failure is the highway to sucess, they shut down.So there you go, the
four F's of why we resist transformation. Understand them and you can then manage and
overcome them.. trust me. But you have to start. and how will you know if you don't even try?